Be intelligent, bet cunning, and master how to enjoy craps the proper way!
Over your craps-betting life, undoubtedly you’ll experience more losing times than winners. Accept it. You need to learn to wager in reality, not dream world. Craps was created for the gambler to not win.
Suppose, after a few hours, the ivories have consumed your chip stack down to twenty dollars. You haven’t looked at a hot roll in a coon’s age. Although losing is just as much a part of the casino game as succeeding, you cannot help but feel lousy. You wonder why you even traveled to Sin City in the first place. You tried to be a cornerstone for a few hours, but it didn’t succeed. You want to profit so acutely that you give up discipline of your common sense. You are at your last twenty dollars for the night and you have no fight left. Leave with your twenty dollars!
You must at no time give up, never surrender, at no time think, "This blows, I’m going to lay the remainder on the Hard 4 and, if I lose, then I’ll say goodbye. Although if I win, I will be back at the start." That is the stupidest thing you can do at the closing of a non-winning session.
If you insist on giving your money up, please give it to your favorite charity. Don’t bestow it to the casino. Occasionally, you shall profit from a single one of those moronic bets, but do not think you’ll earn enough over time to even out your squanderings.
Now you understand! Remember, become versed in the proper way to wager on craps the right way.
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